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Happy Holidays from the SFMTA

Happy Holidays from the SFMTA By Jeffrey Tumlin As the year comes to a close, we are grateful for our riders, customers, city partners and neighbors, whose support this past year has been invaluable. We want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a joyous holiday season and a happy new year.  As 2021 ends, we are taking a moment to reflect on the challenges of the last year and the ways our agency was able to respond to them with courage, commitment and compassion. Our dedicated employees are the heart and soul of our agency, and we hope you’ll join us in celebrating them and the ways they’ve supported San Francisco’s recovery.  The COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it’s provoked in the San Francisco Bay Area have required the SFMTA to rethink street design and transit operations, as well as expedite processes and practices that have traditionally taken much longer. At every step of the way, we’ve prioritized the health and safety of our customers and our workforce.  

Safe Driver Awards 2021

Safe Driver Awards 2021 By Pamela Johnson Navigating any type of vehicle, no matter the size, through miles of hilly San Francisco terrain and sharing the roadway with others is no easy feat. Add Ubers, private and commercial vehicles, taxis, bicycles, scooters and pedestrians into the mix and the challenge escalates quickly.   But what is even more truly remarkable is that we have 282 Muni transit operators who've managed this safe driving record with no avoidable safety incidents year after year for more than 15 years. Some for several decades!   This year, the Muni operators named as honorees for the annual Safe Driver Award Program have met that challenge to be called a Safe Driver. Additionally, 20 new operators were welcomed to this elite club of which three have at least 35 years of safe driving:  Oliverio Valle, Cable Car Division, 47 Years Safe Driving  Lonnie Moore Jr, Green Division, 44 Years Safe Driving  Jason Lao, Green Division, 37 Years Safe Driving 

Sri Lanka’s ‘organic only’ policy | Sowing the seeds of a disaster

The rash policy shift to ‘organic only’ agriculture in May could severely impact Sri Lanka’s food security, according to experts. With farmers angry, it could also have a considerable political cost for the ruling Rajapaksas, reports Meera Srinivasan Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Proposed Bond Introduced to the City’s Capital Planning Committee and the Board of Supervisors

Proposed Bond Introduced to the City’s Capital Planning Committee and the Board of Supervisors By Benjamin Barnett The demands on San Francisco’s transportation system have grown and revenues from transit fares and parking fees have not kept up. The COVID-19 pandemic worsened this problem. New revenue sources to fund our system are needed. The first step is a proposed $400 million  Muni Reliability and Street Safety Bond  that would support priority transportation capital investments across San Francisco. On Tuesday, December 7, the SFMTA Board of Directors voted to urge the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to place the Bond on the June 2022 ballot. Additionally, the Bond earlier this week was reviewed by City’s  Capital Planning Committee  and yesterday introduced to the Board of Supervisors.   The recommended Bond would provide financial resources to improve the transportation system, increase street safety, and meet the long-term needs of the City. Based on both the agency’s i

Connect SF - A Shared Vision for Transportation in San Francisco  

Connect SF - A Shared Vision for Transportation in San Francisco   By Emmanuel Stamatogiannakis As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, what does an effective, equitable, and resilient transportation system for San Francisco’s future look like?  ConnectSF , comprised of staff from the SFMTA, the San Francisco County Transportation Authority and the San Francisco Planning Department, has been envisioning just that. Now, after engaging with residents, community groups, businesses, youth organizations, and other stakeholders to gather feedback, the collaborative has released the  ConnectSF Transit Strategy . The strategy details how we can reinvest in the city’s transit system to achieve our shared vision of a growing, diverse and equitable city with transportation options that are accessible and affordable to all.    The Vision   The ConnectSF Transit Strategy calls for four key investments to build our bold vision of San Francisco’s transportation system:   We will make the curr