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Showing posts with the label The Sultan of Oman's death leaves the bay without an intermediary.

The Sultan Qabús of Oman death leaves the bay without an intermediary His liberal use of authority did not prevent him from being tireless against the slightest sign of dissatisfaction

The Sultan of Oman's death leaves the bay without an intermediary.  His liberal use of authority did not prevent him from being tireless against the slightest sign of dissatisfaction. Sultan Qabús of Oman has died at age 79 and after half a century at the head of the country, as reported by the royal palace on Saturday. The rapid announcement of his succession by one of his cousins and until now Minister of Culture, Haitham Bin Tariq al Said, 65, closes decades of speculation about the absence of a designated heir in this country of the Arabian Peninsula, most of whose four million inhabitants have not known another monarch. However, it comes at a time of special uncertainty in the region over the confrontation between Iran and the United States; The discreet diplomacy promoted by Qabús has helped reduce tensions and reach agreements. The relay to the front of the throne tests the strength of the Omani institutions and it remains to be seen if their successor will maintain that ...