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Saudi Arabia’s quest for strategic autonomy

Saudi Arabia, a nation with a foreign policy which has always centred around Iran, is now reaching out to old rivals, holding talks with new enemies and seeking to balance between great powers, all while trying to transform its economy at home Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Explained | On Finland’s journey to join NATO

Why has Finland joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization? What led to Finland’s decision of staying neutral during and since the Cold War? What is the Paasikivi line? How has Russia responded to this move by its neighbour? Did the Russia-Ukraine war influence Finland’s decision? Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

North Korea warns 'offensive action' over allies' drills

North Korea has threatened unspecified “offensive action” over the expansion of U.S. military exercises with rival South Korea as President Joe Biden’s special representative for North Korea flew to Seoul for talks with allies over the North’s growing nuclear threat Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Humza Yousaf | Into the future

Scotland’s new First Minister faces great challenges as he has to unite the party, rebuild public support for its independence campaign while addressing economic headwinds  Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley meet U.S. Justice Department officials over embassy attack

During the meeting, the Indian-Americans told the DoJ officials that they felt unsafe going to the San Francisco Consulate and felt disturbed while the Sikh community members said such unlawful activities bring a bad name to the community. Click here for more... from #Bangladesh #News aka Bangladesh News Now!!!

The Municipal Railway Planning Division & The First 5-Year Plan

The Municipal Railway Planning Division & The First 5-Year Plan By Kelley Trahan The San Francisco Municipal Railway 5-Year Plan, 1979-1984 was the first comprehensive service plan created by the first San Francisco Municipal Railway transportation planners. The plan introduced a grid system to provide more efficient crosstown service with better neighborhood connections that would improve access and increase ridership, moving away from Muni’s prior service design focused on trips to and from downtown. It also provided service standards, including coverage, capacity and stop spacing, many of which continue to inform Muni planning efforts today. The San Francisco Municipal Railway saw many changes at this time, including the opening of the Muni Metro, the conversion of some lines from diesel to electric trolley bus, a simplified fare structure and increased fares and historic streetcar service on Market Street.  Prior to the mid-1970s, the San Francisco Municipal Railway’s servi